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Samuel Widmer Nicolet


Paintings, Poems and Short Meditations

You… Here, someone rejoices in surrendering to you, in being lost to you, in the bliss of having arrived in you. In fine poetic words and profound philosophic contemplations he sings your praises. Texts, which frame the milestones of a life: Poems and paintings, which stand out of a lifeswork as the culmination points of insight. And who are you? Are you this huge and distant country full of longing, full of beauty and sadness,which is described here? India. Or are you the creature which brings it to life? The human being who dwells in it? Are you the Other? Who are you?

"love utters very simply

it says:

hey you, here I am

hey you, I'm leaving

love does not dwell

where many words are -

it is,

when I am not -"

Translation from "Du..."

Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag, gebunden, 130 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-9521250-5-2